The Illuminating Darkness.

To Him belongs all things, He is the definition of peace, He is comfort and He is the ultimate light in the engulfing shadows .

At times, I have felt overclouded with the burden of my own sins, the weight of my own nafs against the neverending shadows that lurk in the dunya can feel depleting. It’s only by remembering that He can hear me, He is seeing me and surely, He is with me that makes it all feel bearable.

Suddenly, the darkness is a means to see the illuminating light of His grace and mercy. The weight reminds me of my own strength through Him, and the shadows are a constant reminder to keep on my toes, to be agile and awake in His rememberance.

Alhamdullilah for the dark, and alhamdullilah for the light.

How beautiful is it, that even in Ramadan we get the greatest forms of light and the closest proximity to Allah through the deepest parts of the night.

He is teaching us that darkness should be embraced, because He is there.

May the giver of light grant us with His ultimate light and shower us with ease. May dhikr be an opening to a world that is full of illumination.



2 thoughts on “The Illuminating Darkness.

  1. Ruby says:

    Beautiful Reminder and loved reading this, such a great reflection. This was surely reassuring, May Allah reward you for sharing your gems and allow us to always be in a state to repent and better ourselves in our daily actions. May Allah accept our efforts and allow us to follow the straight path and to find gems along our way to grant us more light in our life and lead us to jannah! Ameen

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